We grow best when we're actively engaged in God's purposes for our lives, and serving alongside other people in a ministry is a great way to get to know others. So, if you're interested in any of our ministries, don't hesitate we would love to help you get plugged in.

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Young Adults ministry (YAM)
  • The young adult’s ministry of NICC equips young adults to declare, communicate, and demonstrate the purpose, power, precepts, and principles of the Kingdom of God. It is filled with a power worship experience coupled with a life-changing revealed word of God, and a great opportunity for fellowship. It is led by passionate, dynamic wise and spirit filled, spirit led leaders. Ecclesiastes 12:1

• Who is part of Young adults?

  • It is comprised of college students, young professionals, singles, and married couples of NICC, and our associated friends and partners world wide.

• Young adult Foundation?

  • This is built on five pillars namely: - Strong Biblical Teaching, Education, Community Service, Professionals Networks, as well as a 21st Century cutting edge equipping.

• What are the activities?

  • It offers a fellowship opportunity for young adults to interact at a specific location in the Lincoln complex as well as live video interactions. It includes various activities that are announced often.

• Where do we meet?

  • At the NICC church as well as via video conferencing which meetings are regularly announced.

• How can I be part of this?

  • Visit our Facebook No-limits Church or www.thekingdomembassy.org